Central Oklahoma Classic Chevy Club

The Dashboard A publication of the
Central Oklahoma Classic Chevy Club.
A not-for-profit corporation.
A chapter of Bow Tie Chevys
and Classic Chevy International.
June 2002

Annual changing of the guard due for this August
Dashboard Staff

Excerpt from Central Oklahoma Classic Chevy Club Constitution

Article 5: Officers & Duties

Section 1.
The elected officers of the club include: President, Co-2nd Vice
Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor and Show
Chairperson. The office of 1st Vice President is a non-elected position
which will be filled by the immediate past President.
Section 2.
President: The President will preside over all meetings of the club,
schedule regular elections and be sure they are held in accordance with
this constitution, represent the club at any function for which a
specific representative has not been selected.
Section 3.
1st Vice President: Will assist the President and will perform all
duties of the President in his/her absence.
Section 4.
Co-2nd Vice Presidents: Will act as ex-officio member of all committees
and chairperson of monthly activities. He/she shall also be the Activity
Section 5.
Secretary: Will record and maintain the minutes of the meetings of the
club, maintain membership records, supervise all records of the club and
handle correspondence.
Section 6.
Treasurer: The Treasurer will collect dues, collect all other income due
the club, maintain financial accounting books and supplies. Make payment
from club funds when so directed, make a monthly report of the club's
financial status to the membership.
Section 7.
Show Chairperson: Will spearhead the efforts toward producing the club's
annual car shows. Will work with all other organizations involved with
the club's annual shows. Will assist the President with efforts to
coordinate club member duties and functions for the show.
Section 8.
Newsletter Editor: Will produce and mail a monthly newsletter to all

Article 6: Elections

Section 1.
All members for any office must be an active member in good standing.
Section 2.
All elected and/or appointed officers must remain active members in good
standing for the duration of their terms in office.
Section 3.
All officers are elected at the August meeting and will assume office at
the next regular business meeting.
Section 4.
All officer's terms shall be for the period of 12 months, or until
successors are duly elected and qualified.
Section 5.
All "elected" officers may run for the same office more than once, if
they so desire.
Section 6.
Nominations will be made from the floor during a regular meeting called
by the President, or members may volunteer for office during that
Section 7.
Elected officers will be decided by a majority of votes cast. All voting
will be made by written ballot.




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